Air Arms International Challenge 2022 CLOSED

22 April 2022; Inschrijving Airarms International Challenge 2022 is gesloten.

Beste HFT schutter,

Het spijt me U te moeten meedelen dat de inschrijving voor de AAIC 2022 is gesloten. Door persoonlijke en medische omstandigheden van 4 personen in het organisatie team zijn wij helaas gedwongen het aantal deelnemers aan deze wedstrijd te beperken. Het aantal ingeschreven schutter is momenteel 75 uit 4 verschillende landen (CH,DE,UK,NL). En bij dat aantal gaan we het houden om de organisatie van de wedstrijd door een veel kleiner team toch mogelijk te maken.

We hopen op uw begrip voor onze moeilijke situatie die ons tot deze keuze heeft gedwongen. In toekomst hopen we weer een AAIC te organiseren zonder een beperking op het aantal deelnemers.

Voor de 75 ingeschreven schutters gaan we een mooi schietweekend en een uitdagende wedstrijd neerzetten.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Team FT-Schalkhaar.

April 22nd 2022; Registration for the Airarms International Challenge 2022 is closed.

Dear HFT  shooter,

We are very sorry to have to announce that the admission for the AAIC 2022 is closed now. We are forced by the personal and medical circumstances of 4 people in the organizing committee to limit the number of participants. At the moment we have 75 registered participants from 4 countries (CH,DE,UK,NL). And 75 is the maximum number of shooters we can accommodate with a much smaller and less experienced organizing committee.

We beg your understanding for the difficult situation that has resulted in this decision. We are looking forward to organize a future AAIC without a limit on the number of participants.

For the 75 registered shooters we will organize a fine shooting weekend and a challenging match.

Kind regards, Team FT-Schalkhaar.

April 2022; Die Anmeldung für die Airarms International Challenge 2022 ist geschlossen.

Lieber HFT-Schütze,

Wir bedauern sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass die Zulassung für die AAIC 2022 nun geschlossen ist. Wir sind durch die persönlichen und medizinischen Umstände von 4 Personen im Organisationskomitee gezwungen, die Teilnehmerzahl zu begrenzen. Momentan haben wir 75 registrierte Teilnehmer aus 4 Ländern (CH,DE,UK,NL). Und 75 ist die maximale Anzahl von Schützen, die wir mit einem viel kleineren und weniger erfahrenen Organisationskomitee unterbringen können.

Wir bitten um Verständnis für die schwierige Situation, die zu dieser Entscheidung geführt hat. Wir freuen uns darauf, eine zukünftige AAIC ohne Begrenzung der Teilnehmerzahl zu organisieren.

Für die 75 gemeldeten Schützen veranstalten wir ein feines Schießwochenende und einen herausfordernden Wettkampf.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Team FT-Schalkhaar.

The original posting AAIC 2022 follows below

**This event doesn’t take any admissions anymore!!**

After postponing the Air Arms International Challenge 2021 due to COVID we are happy to announce the next edition of the Air Arm International Challenge, the AAIC2022.

The AAIC2022 will take place on Friday evening June 3rd and Saturday June 4th. On Friday evening there will be the famous ‘After Dark Shoot’ and on Saturday the AAIC2022 will take place. Our goal is to reach as many friends as possible of the international HFT community who will battle for the individual titles. Besides the challenging competition a social program will be in place as well so we can catch up with all our friends. All relevant information can be found below. We hope to see you all in Schalkhaar.

The venue
FT Schalkhaar
Oerdijk 83
7433 PA Schalkhaar

The dates
Friday evening June 3rd, 2022, After Dark Shoot
Saturday June 4th, 2022, AAIC2022

The shoots
Both shoots are Hunter Field Target only. The power limit is 12 footpound / 16 Joule.

The After Dark Shoot (Friday evening June 3rd)

  1. Safety briefing at 20.30 hrs and then start of the shoot.
  2. The course lay-out will be 15 lanes, 15 targets and will be shot according to UKAHFT rules.
  3. The use a flash lights is allowed as long as the light is attached to your rifle or is held in your hands. The use of illuminated recticles is allowed. Lasers, laser lights, night vision or other electronic devices are not allowed. On some targets there will alternative lighting. Only LED, CREE or bulb lamps are allowed.
  4. The target distance can exceed 42 meter and there will be a number of special targets.
  5. There will be 3 classes, HFT-open, HFT-recoil and Juniors (under 17).
  6. Trophy ceremony on Saturday at the general ceremony and raffle.

The AAIC2022 (Saturday June 4th)

  1. Safety briefing at 10.30 AM and then start of the shoot.
  2. The course lay-out will be 30 lanes, 30 targets and will be shot according to UKAHFT rules.
  3. There will be 5 classes, HFT-open, HFT-recoil, Ladies, Veterans (60 and above) and Juniors (under 17).
  4. Trophy ceremony on Saturday at the general ceremony and raffle.

Social program
On Friday night there will be a BBQ starting at 17.00 hrs and from Thursday night onwards the camping site will be open. On Saturday morning a continental / simple breakfast buffet will be open from 9.00 hrs.

Fees and charges
Participation After Dark Shoot: 7.50 euro.
Participation AAIC2022: 15 euro.
Participation BBQ: 17.50 euro
Camping: 5 euro per person per night
Breakfast: 7.50 euro

Registration and payments
Admissions will be taken ONLY via this registration link
Payments are taken at the registration desk which will be open from 17.00 hrs on Friday and on 9.00 hrs on Saturday. Cash only, we do not have electronic payment.

More information can be found on our website, If you have any question or need more support please send an e-mail.

With best regards and we hope to see you all in Schalkhaar.

Team FT-Schalkhaar